We are very fortunate that Tim is coming home tonight for a brief visit. His training in Florida does not start until Monday, so he's able to come home until Sunday. Many other people were heading out to Afghanistan, as they completed their training in South Carolina this week. Tim is heading to Tampa on Sunday to complete his intelligence training before heading to Afghanistan. Timing is on his side because his dad lives in Bradenton (not far from Tampa) and while Tim is down in Florida he'll be able to visit his dad. His sister, Barb, brother-in-law Russ, nephew and wife (Russ and Jenny) will be there, too. It will be wonderful that Tim can spend time with his dad before leaving. Unfortunately, Tim does not have as good as luck with flying~his plane was delayed and he missed his flight to Grand Rapids, so he won't be home until 7:30 pm Thursday instead of 3:00 pm. Oh, well..at least he's coming home--hooray!!
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